Im in an "Open Relationship"..ko ingat ni facebook ke??

Ni KID yg ckp tau..bkn saye yg ckp..hehehe..

Wah..da lame tul x tulis entry..asyik bace blog org lain jer..heee..title entry kali ni psl "Open Relationship"..Actly saya sndrik pun xbrape phm ngn maksud in an open relationship ni..then, ade satu time tu tengah tgk citer Blogger Boy (ye sye sgt suke citer ni..ade Budi (Qi) dgn rambut ketaq die tu, ade KID (Nas-T) yg bajet hensem..btw ko mmg hensem pun..haha..and sheryl yg cute, and berckp sgt laju.hehe)..oopss..enough with the Blogger boy niesha..i know u are stil addicted to this series wlupun season die da lame hbs..hehehe


Tp sbb tgk citer ni jgk la saya dpt idea psl open relationship ni..
Menurut relationship ni maksudnyer kite x just stick to one person, and dlm citer blogger boy tu (in one of the series) the girl (the person who is in an open relationship to siap ade boyfriend no 1, no2, and no3..hehe).. Biasenyer llaki yg slalu pasang ramai2 kn..pmpuan jarang buat la..Kalau pmpuan yg psg ramai, org akan kutuk klu llaki yg wat, org just akan ckp diu tu kasanova and mcm perkare biase jer..tak puas hati betul..Teringat lagu Rossa "Hey Ladies"..klu pmpuan2 ni leh wat mcm tu mmg dunia hancur la..seb bek kami ni kaum hawa x smpai hati nk wat cmtu..hehe..
So kesimpulannye this open relationship is not a good relationship..if sumone had crush on you but you just want to be friend with him or her, clarify that you just want to be honest is the most important..ok guys..:-)

Till then, Love ya!



April 7, 2010 at 10:40 PM

suka la tajuk ni.. nak wat status kat YM lah.. haha..!!

- LURVE Blogger Boy..!!